Victorian's Secret

Victorian's Secret
Undergarments Galore

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

About Me...

A Seamstress' Story

Once upon a time...there was a needle and a thread.
Then there was cloth that neede to be trnsformed.

I first knew that I would become a seamstress whenmy mother assigned me the job of makiing the family's clothes. I absolutely hated that chore, it was so tedious. Why did the holes on our skirts matter or the rips in our stockings matter? They were going tobe back soon enough anyway so I didn't understand the method of my mother's madness, but I did as I was told. I made clothes for 3 brothers and five sisters, now imagine how many times I poked myself with the needle. The Dickerson family is known to be large and annoying so when I go out,I only say my first and second name not my last. So if you see me in the streets or the courtyard please address me as Stella Juliet.

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